At the young age of 18, I was an editor of a print magazine, called Portada Plus, in my country of Venezuela. I loved everything about the editorial process: coming up with the topics, who to put on the cover, photographers to hire and writers to work with.

In a short time, I was assigned more drafting projects. I got to know the complete production process.

My boss at the time, Laura, called me one night to tell me that she was leaving her position as editor of the magazine and she wanted me to be her replacement! Surprised and scared, I told her that I was too young for the position. She was the first woman to teach me to believe in myself and my talent. Beautiful moments can happen in the professional world when your leaders have faith in you. So, I became the youngest editor (at that time) in the country; editor-in-chief of a high-quality print media with national distribution.

Life, though, has its ups and downs. A few months later, my mother died. I became very lost and worried. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to finish college, pay my tuition, or take care of my house. It was a time of great confusion.

In the midst of that churning sea of emotions, I gave up my role as editor and decided to continue learning. I became an editor of another print magazine called Complot. It was a luxury and lifestyle magazine. I had a greater urgency to learn more.

I combined going to university and working. At the new magazine, I met a publisher, fell in love, and got pregnant. I would become a mom just as I turned 20.

All these changes made me grow up in a hurry and also gave me something very valuable;
purpose. I knew I wanted financial independence. I didn’t want to be a woman who depended on my daughter’s father. I understood the value of work and he also had many goals to conquer.

I then founded a print magazine called Revista Ojo, which was dedicated to the promotion of
cultural content in the youth segment. It was a hardcover magazine printed in full color, on the best quality paper, and printed by the best printing house in the country. I still remember the nights working on the idea for that project. It was ready on December 31 of that year, as we welcomed in the new year.

Revista Ojo managed to position itself in the university community as a respected and different kind of publication. We did numerous activities in the universities and made alliances with very important brands in the country. I was invited by the British Council to create a brand experience with university students through Revista Ojo. And so, we made the very first flash mob.Remember the days of flash mobs? It was 2009 and done through Facebook. I gathered my
college friends and acquaintances. We had so much fun! And without knowing it, we began to take some of the first steps in the world of marketing. This experience changed the course of my story.

Marlene, my mom

Carlota, my daugther

Ojo Magazine

Ojo Magazine

First office at home

We gained the attention of Pepsi through what we had done in the universities. They saw our youth flashmob and wanted to collaborate. I then met one of their managers, Oscar, who wanted to take advantage of the changes in communication and create proposals that combined the online with the experiential. The first, and best big client that I could ever have! I was so fortunate!

Then, still, at the age of 20, I started a digital marketing agency. At first, it was called Ojo Viral, an evolution from the Revista Ojo team. We did fun campaigns with Ruffles, Doritos, and La Liga del Rock. I remember this time and still feel surprised by it all! We later changed the name to Mashup Interactive Agency. We were a pioneering agency in my country and shortly after gained clients, such as DIAGEO, Nestlé, P&G, and MasterCard, among others, as their digital communication and content generation agency. We also then moved from using my house as our office to a large commercial office space.

I believe in the use of media to generate impact, which led me to become an announcer for La Mega, on Unión Radio. I had a program called Las 10 Estelares, which was dedicated to my passion; music.

In 2016, I decide to do a diploma at the Harvard Business School in Boston and delve into Digital Strategy.

In 2017, I received recognition from the American Embassy for innovation in my country and
traveled to India to represent the Latin American business sector in Hyderabad, at the Global
Entrepreneurship Summit.

The situation in Venezuela, at the political level, was complicated. There were protests, political prisoners, and inflation. It was difficult to produce products in the country and the brands were increasingly affected economically. Given the circumstances, we decided to explore other avenues to help buy equipment, process payroll and keep growing.

I then moved from Venezuela to the United States after working on projects in New York City.
Miami was the ideal location to formally start operations in another country.

In 2018, I decided to take a digital strategy course at the Harvard Business School.

My father and my brothers also lived in Miami, and it was a better life for my daughter, Carlota.

I started the agency expansion plan and client consolidation in North America and the region.
Reebok was one of our first clients that started this expansion plan.


Digital Agency

Mi first ANDA Prize

Announcer in La Mega

Harvard Business School

In 2018, while continuing with the agency, I started an online education platform called Dar
Learning, where professionals with more than 10 years of experience teach online courses to democratize and give greater access to their knowledge and experience.

Dar Learning awards more than 1,000 scholarships a year to women in vulnerable situations and provides them with tools that encourage and support them to build financial freedom. I founded this project together with my friend, Maickel Melamed, who has always had a deep sensitivity for the social and the generation of positive impact. We have grown this organization and have helped many of these women in hundreds of cities.


In 2019, I received, with emotion, the Rising Stars award from the Hispanic Culture Marketing Council of the United States for being an emerging talent in the North American communication industry.

I was also invited as a speaker to EXMA Colombia, an event that brought together 7,000 people in person, and where former United States President, Barack Obama, also gave a lecture. I never imagined being a speaker alongside a former president of such an important country.

In 2020, I was named Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. I joined the
esteemed community of YGLs in the world and assumed the important challenge of generating a positive impact for Latin America and the world.

Teacher at UCAB CIAP


I organized meeting of influential Venezuelans for Gary Vaynerchuk


Expansion to the United States

It was also the year of the greatest challenges. 2020 was a defining moment that united us all in a difficult time. It made us look at ourselves to see how we would face it. Because of this, I founded my BootcampVero, an experiential education program, where, for 21 days we guide people to transform their online communication. We teach while they take action, all with personalized attention. In less than a year, we achieved more than 12,000 subscribers and generated one million dollars (without advertising), in the midst of the pandemic.

So I decided to create digital solutions for the modern market and founded my holding company, WORKING ON SOLUTIONS (WOS), which is made up of 4 companies: Amarillo Creative Lab, Team Remoto, Bootcamp Vero, and a 4th company that is under development for 2022 – 2023.

In less than two years, together with the entire talented team of WOS, we have achieved an
impact on +30,000 people, +150 clients, and +150 jobs. Crazy! It sounds easy, but it wasn’t.
Everything was achieved as a team and with a lot of passion.

This is only part of my story. The beauty is a reflection of the people who trusted me, who
dreamed with me, and those who made up a good team. So many extraordinary people who have given me opportunities, time, and love. Especially my family.



A space that challenges the analysis of digital communication, new businesses, innovation, creativity and today’s social environment.

T2 EP. 009 – DON’T lose money doing wrong ads

Investing in ads is a smart move and especially in the early stages of business. When you have little money, concentrating only on filling your account with content doesn’t give you the possibility to explore how to reach more people.

In this episode of On Topic, Verónica Ruiz del Vizo will tell you that you can improve so that your investment returns you, the importance of creativity and investment in ads, how to make your budget more efficient, how to create alliances and collaborations with influencers and how build your own database from the ads

More Episodes


WORKING ON SOLUTIONS (WOS) is a group of companies that have the mission of serving brands, companies, and professionals around the world to provide them with efficient and modern communication solutions.